The earliest mention of OTM as an OASIS file specification that I could find, is from a discussion list in May of 2005, specifically,
The only announcement of inclusion of OTM in LibreOffice that I could find, was a blog post by Caolán McNamara in September of 2014, stating that it was new for LibreOffice 4.4 ---
A message in 2015 briefly describes the background of why the OTM document file format exists.
In the help files of LibreOffice 6.3, there is a mention of it, as filter. CF
In theory, this file format will enable one to create sets of documents that share the same data, without having to go through the hassle of creating a new master document for each specific scenario, and hoping that one remembers where all of the shared documents, images, and the like reside.
In practice, I don't know. I've been struggling to create my first OTM document, with very little to show for it.