21 December 2014

When is Apache Open Office Not Apache Open Office

It should be a simple enough question.

Either one is using Apache Open Office, or one is not.
And support should either be from Apache Open Office, or from whoever compiled and distributed the binary that one uses.

So, in looking at the following screen-shot, the reasonable assumption is that one is using something compiled, and distributed by The Apache Software Foundation. (https://www.apache.org/)

The Default Screen

But with a little more exploration
The "About Screen"

Both of those photographs are of Android Open Office version 1.6.3.

If you read the small print on the second screen, you do see that it neither created by, nor distributed by The Apache Software Foundation.

Furthermore, the adds  --- supplied by Google Mobile Ads --- that the program displays should clue one that it is not an official program.

All photographs were taken by me.

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