What OOo Lacks
This is the list of major features that people complain about not having with OOo. (Cyan text was written in 2004. Brown text was written in 2010.)
Digital Rights Management Tools
The only recommendation is to encrypt everything using GnuPGP, or similar tool.
DRM has repeatedly shown itself to be a failure that is defective by design. If you do not want unknown third parties to be able to read content created with LibreOffice, password protect it, and then encrypt it using GnuPGP, or similar encryption software.
Style Checker
In theory, one, or more of the grammar checkers could be modified to provide this function.
None of the grammar checkers for LibreOffice have modifications for style checking. There are two style checkers for OpenOffice.org 2.x, but they do not work with OpenOffice.org 3.x
OOExtras had a calendar template for the database component of OOo. I can not currently find it, nor the Calendar template I thought I had downloaded. The recommendation is to use something such as Sunbird.
Some builds of Go-Oo can utilize the Calendaring capabilities that are found in Evolution.
Address Book
OOExtras had a PIM template for the database component of OOo. Another option is to use the one that comes with Sunbird.
Some builds of Go-Oo can utilize the PIM capabilities that are found in Evolution.
Mail Reader
The recommendation is to use a stand alone mail reader, such as Thunderbird.
Web Browser
The recommendation is to use a stand alone web browser, such as Firefox.
Stand Alone Presentation Viewer
The theory is that OOo is small enough, that a separate viewer is not necessary.
Project Organizer
Once upon a time, OOExtras had a Project Organizer template for the database component of OOo. I couldn't find it, when I needed one in January 2005. I ended up abusing Calc as a Project Organizer.
GanttChart for OOo at http://www.ooomacros.org/user.php#175388 is a macro for OOo 1.x and OOo 2.x.
PERT Chart for OOo at http://www.ooomacros.org/user.php#184651 is a macro for OOo 1.x and OOo 2.x.
Gantt Chart listed at http://extensions.services.openoffice.org/en/project/gantt-chart is an Excel template.
The OpenOffice.org Project Management Tool Project does not appear to have been updated since 2005.
A Dictionary - with a *define* button
This functionality is still absent.
Bibliographic Tools
What people are really complaining about, is that OneNote does not work with OpenOffice.org.
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